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75th Anniversary Book

Special purchase! “That Others May Live. 25 Years of Para Rescue in Canada”





“75th Anniversary Book  “That Others May Live 1994-2019″”


In June of 2014, the Para Rescue Associations book committee gathered for their first meeting at Camp Jarvis Lake, AB. Now 5 years later, the finishing touches are underway for the publication of Vol 2, in the expectation that the Para Rescue Assn will continue the series for a Vol 3 in the future.


Volume 2 will mirror the first “50 Years of Para Rescue in Canada” hardcover style with the focus on the last 25 years picking up from where book one left off.


Book specifications: The book is being published in Victoria, BC. and will consist of a Smyth sewn binding. This is a very strong, long-lasting binding, hardcover, library-bound edition of “1994-2019 THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE 25 Years of Para Rescue in Canada,” approximately 600 pages on high-quality paper, fully illustrated with black & white and colour photographs. Red buckram fabric binding is gold foil stamped, with full colour, glossy dust jacket. Bound size: 8.625” x 9.25.”  


Cost – TBD based on order size

The first book purchase campaign has come to completion. All books have been sold and the book committee has transferred it’s operations back to the ParaRescue Association. They will not longer be taking any orders.



Ordering – You can order your book(s) by the following method:

1) Email:





 We are currently investigating the demand for a second run of books. If you are interested in a book, please email the above email address. If there is enough interest we will run a second line of publishing. Prices, timeline, and shipping will be determined once the decision is made to run a second line.

Dan Verret, 

President, ParaRescue Association of Canada